Constitution & Byelaws of Association of Scientific and Technical Officers 2019
We the officers of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited having unanimously resolved to form an Association with aims and objectives mentioned below do hereby adopt and give to ourselves the following constitution:
The Association of Scientific and Technical Officers, abbreviated as ‘ASTO’.
The emblem duly ratified by the General Body in its meeting held on 27th September 1969, is shown on the top left corner. It is in the shape of an oil drop with crude oil colour backdrop. At the bottom is written ‘प्राप्य वरान्नि बोधत’. The motto at the bottom reads and means ‘Stop Not Till the Goal Is Achieved’. In all functions and correspondence related to the Association, this shall be used.
4.0 Aims and Objectives:
The association shall function to :-
4.1 Safeguard and promote the individual and collective interest of the officers of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and ONGC group of Companies.
4.2 Promote the scientific, technical, managerial, social and welfare activities of the officers.
4.3 Suggest ways and means to increase and maximize production and productivity of the ONGC in the best interest of the organization and country and to adopt measures to get the suggestions implemented.
4.4 To act for safeguarding the interest of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and ONGC group of Companies.
4.5 To organize and unite all officers of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and ONGC group of Companies and to regulate their relations with their employers.
4.6 To act as a liaison between officers and management of the of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and ONGC group of Companies.
4.7 To continue to render loyal and efficient service to the Nation, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and ONGC group of Companies.
4.8 To make legal/financial aid available to all the members in cases related to ASTO.
4.9 To seek redressal of grievances of the members through representation before appropriate authority.
4.10 To promote, collect funds from members to extend help to the nation for natural calamities/ national disaster.
4.11 To work for the promotion of professional competence, integrity, application of talents-individually and collectively to bring out orderly changes in perspective, organisation and functioning amongst member for the growth and progress of the organisation and its employees.
4.12 To do all things necessary or expedient and to do such other act or acts as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives.
5.1 The Membership of the Association will be open to all the below Board level officers of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and ONGC group of Companies on payment of prevailing membership subscription except those appointed on contract or on advisory capacity.
5.2 Memberships will be automatically terminated :
5.2.1 Upon resignation/separation of the member from organization.
5.2.2 Any member whose subscription has not been paid for 3 months consecutively from the date when subscription falls due shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Association.
5.2.3 Notwithstanding what is stated in clause 5.2.1 above in the event of arbitrary separation of a member from services of the corporation, the local unit /CEC/CWC may continue the membership, from their member, until such time it is decided that separation was just and fair.
5.2.4 Members whose membership is discontinued as per provision of clause 5.2.2 can re-join the association by paying the monthly subscription.
5.3 A member shall be expelled temporarily or permanently from the association and his name removed from the list of members, if such member has :
a) Conducted himself in a manner which is unbecoming to a member of the associations,
b) Intentionally done act of omission liable to injure the credit and good name of association
c) Acted against the interest of the association which includes financial irregularities, sabotaging, the common interest of general member etc.
5.4 Any member of the Association, other than CEC member, is found acting in a manner prejudicial or detrimental to the interest of the officers’ community, the local unit will have the authority to issue a show-cause notice giving reasonable time for explanation. The local unit will have the authority to debar, expel or suspend the membership of such an officer, if satisfactory explanation is not submitted within the time limit provided. Post facto approval shall be obtained from the CEC.
5.5 Register of Members:
The association shall keep a register at unit level of all its members containing their Name and CPF number in digital form or hard copy.
The organization of the ASTO will have a two tier democratic structure consisting of Local Units and the integrative Central Executive Council (CEC).
6.1 Local units:
Membership of Unit | Strength of Elected office bearers and Name of Posts | |
Up to 100 | 2 | President and Secretary-cum-Treasurer. |
101 to 250 | 3 | President, Secretary and Jt. Secretary-cum-Treasurer. |
251 to 500 | 4 | President, Vice-President, Secretary & Jt. Secretary-cum-Treasurer. |
501 and above | 5 | President, Vice-President, Secretary, Jt. Secretary and Treasurer. |
6.1.1 In addition to normal structure as per clause 6.1, to provide representation to field and remotely located offices of different units, office bearers shall be elected to the following post:
i. Joint Secretary (Western Offshore) – For Mumbai Unit
ii. Joint Secretary (Panvel)– For Mumbai Unit
iii. Joint Secretary (Gandhar) – For Ankleshwar Unit
6.1.2 The elected Local Unit can further nominate Executive Members / Advisory Committee on need basis.
6.2 Central Executive Council:
6.2.1 All elected office bearers shall be members of the CEC. In addition the outgoing President CWC and General Secretary CWC shall also be the members of CEC.
6.2.2 There is no bar on the basis of gender for seeking election at any post of CEC. However, in order to ensure active participation of women officers, executives in ASTO, President CWC shall nominate maximum of five women officers to CEC. In case, already elected representation of women officers is five or more, then no nomination shall be done.
6.3 Central Working Committee:
The Central Executive Council (CEC) thus formed, will elect the President CWC, who then shall normally be stationed at Headquarters/Registered/Corporate Office of ONGC and who then will nominate the following officer bearers of the Central Working Committee from amongst any of the members of CEC:
i. | Working President: | Three |
ii. | Vice President: | Two |
iii. | General secretary: | One |
iv. | Additional General Secretary: | Six |
v. | Advisor to President: | One |
vi. | Organising Secretary: | Six |
vii. | Joint Secretary: | Eight |
vii. | Joint Secretary: | Eight |
viii. | Treasurer CWC: | One |
ix. | Regional Vice President: | Six |
x. | Regional Secretary: | Six |
xi. | Regional Joint secretary: | Seven |
xii. | Ex-Officio Members: | Two (Outgoing President CWC & General Secretary) |
xiii. | CWC Member: | Maximum Three* |
*To be decided by President CWC to ensure at least one representative from each Unit in the Central Working Committee.
6.4 Headquarters:
The Headquarter/Registered / Corporate Office of ONGC shall be the Headquarters of ASTO also.
7.0 Elections:
The outgoing elected body of the Local Unit of ASTO will be responsible for conducting the election for the new term of the Local Unit. Election notification and code of conduct for election shall be issued by President-CWC/General Secretary – CWC.
7.1 Elections shall be conducted as per the provisions of ASTO Constitution.
7.2 Eligibility to Vote:
All executives posted at the station of the Local Unit and members of the Local ASTO unit as on the last day of the month prior to the date of filing of nomination for election and remain active employee on the date polling, will be entitled of single non-transferable vote.
7.3 Eligibility to contest Local Unit:
7.3.1 All executives desirous of contesting for any of the posts of the Executive Body of the Local Unit must have a continuous membership of ASTO for six months (06 months) prior to the month of notification for that Local Unit.
7.3.2 Office bearer of any other Association functioning in ONGC can also contest ASTO election but will be office bearer of one Association only. (Explanation: Any such contestant, on winning the election as office bearer of ASTO , can continue as office bearer in one Association only and shall have to relinquish his/her position as office bearer in the other Association).
7.3.3 There shall be a limit of six tenures, with a hiatus of at least one tenure, after any two consecutive tenures, for contesting the election. Elected office bearers shall not be transferred during the term of their office till the completion of their tenure.
7.3.4 The above clause 7.3.3 shall not be applicable to those officers whose transfer order has been issued before the notification of election for all units for coming tenure by CEC. However, he shall be eligible to contest from new place of posting, in case he joins new place of posting and election process of that unit is not over.
7.4 One member can contest for only one post.
7.5 The elections will be conducted through the process of secret ballot and each member shall be entitled to a single non-transferable vote. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. However, in genuine cases postal ballot will be allowed.
7.6 The Returning Officer so appointed shall conduct the election as per the code of conduct issued by President CWC/ General Secretary CWC. In case of any dispute the decision of Returning Officer so appointed for the purpose shall be final. However, the Returning Officer can consult President CWC/ General Secretary CWC before awarding such decision.
7.7 Election of President CWC:
7.7.1 The outgoing President CWC and General Secretary CWC will arrange the meeting of the newly elected CEC members for election for the post of the President CWC.
7.7.2 Any CEC member excluding ex-officio members shall be entitled to contest for the President CWC.
7.7.3 The elections for President CWC will be conducted through the process of secret ballot and every CEC member shall be entitled to a single non-transferable vote. Voting by proxy and postal ballot shall not be allowed for the election of President, CWC.
7.7.4 There shall be limit of four tenures, with hiatus of at least one tenure, after any two consecutives tenure for the President CWC.
7.8 Decision in case of Tie:
In case of equal votes secured by more than one candidate, whether in the local unit or CWC, selection shall be determined by toss of coin by the Returning Officer or any other method agreeable to such candidates except for re-voting.
8.0 Term of Office:
The term of the elected ASTO bodies (CEC/CWC/local units) shall be three years from the date of election of the President CWC or till fresh election for President CWC is completed, whichever is later. However, the President CWC can extend the period of office by a maximum of six months under exceptional / unavoidable circumstances, with the approval of CEC (simple majority, if voting is required).
9.0 Functions:
9.1 Local Units:
Local units shall deal with the issues of local unit only. They will refer to the Central Working Committee (CWC) for all policy matters, problems of general nature and issues which cannot be resolved at the local level. Local units shall not deal directly with Central Ministries, GOI.
9.2 Central Executive Council (CEC):
The activities of the Association shall be managed by the CEC who shall decide the policy matters / issues to be taken up by the CWC. However, in the exigency of the situation, CWC may take decision and subsequently put up to the CEC for ratification.
9.3 Central Working Committee (CWC):
The CWC shall decide all the details of the functioning of the Association as may arise from time-to-time within the broad guidelines given by the CEC. President-CWC/ General Secretary-CWC, shall deal with the ONGC Management, GOI and (or) State Governments or any other Authority.
9.4 President CWC:
9.4.1 The President CWC shall be the head of the Association and his advice shall be taken in all the matter pertaining to the Association.
9.4.2 The President CWC shall preside over all the meetings of CEC / CWC or any other committee meeting. President CWC shall have right of a casting vote and shall exercise the same in case of equality of votes. By default, he or she will be member of all Joint working groups / committee formed by the Management.
9.4.3 President CWC shall have power to constitute any committee to examine/review and recommend on various issues. He shall have power to nominate any member(s), who happens to be domain expert(s), to such committees.
9.4.4 The President CWC shall have power to call special meetings, whenever an emergency arises or whenever the meetings are not held as provided for in the Bye laws. He shall exercise all the power as enumerated in other clause of the Bye laws.
9.4.5 All other issues, including day to day functioning shall be under his supervision.
9.5 Vice Presidents CWC:
9.5.1 The Vice Presidents CWC shall assist the President CWC in the discharge of his functions.
9.5.2 They shall also be responsible for compliance of the directions given by President CWC in day to day functioning.
9.5.3 In absence of President CWC, the Vice President CWC shall preside over all the meetings of the Association and shall have all the powers and responsibilities of President CWC.
9.6 General Secretary CWC:
9.6.1 The General Secretary CWC shall be the Chief Executive to carry out the decision (s) of CWC and shall be assisted by Additional General Secretaries CWC and Joint Secretaries CWC.
9.6.2 Shall convene and coordinate all the meetings of the Association under the provisions of the Bye – laws.
9.6.3 Shall record, review and report the activities and achievements of the Association, minutes of all the meetings of the Association.
9.6.4 Shall maintain a proper record of the minutes/details/proceedings of all the meetings of the Association.
9.6.5 Shall prepare such statements relating to business of the Association as the Central unit may require.
9.6.6 Shall carry on correspondence of the Association, supervision of affairs of the Association and carry on general management of properties of the Association.
9.6.7 Shall perform or discharge any other functions as provided in these Bye-laws.
9.6.8 Shall perform any other assignment as advised by President CWC.
9.7 Treasurer CWC
9.7.1 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements, proper accounting of the funds of the Association and ensure their audit regularly.
9.7.2 He shall submit annual financial report of the Association.
9.7.3 He shall have the custody and be responsible for all properties of the Association.
9.8 Other Office Bearers of CWC:
All other office bearer of the CWC shall function and perform under the guidance, supervision and direction of the President CWC.
10.0 Meetings:
10.1 The meetings of CEC should be held at least once in every six months, preferably in different locations. The CWC, in association with the local unit, shall be responsible for arranging the meeting.
10.2 CWC shall meet twice in a calendar year. However in case of any emergent situation President CWC can call meeting in addition to above.
10.3 Special CEC meeting can be convened by President CWC to consider policy matters of vital importance affecting the interest of members in general.
10.4 At Local Unit level, meeting shall be convened by the Secretary of the respective Unit to share the information on important issues or obtain guidance or approval of the members.
10.4.1 General Body Meetings of the local units shall be held at least six times during the term of the office.
11.0 Conduct of Business:
11.1 The quorum for any CEC/CWC meeting shall be 1/3rd of the total members of the body. However, no quorum is needed for a postponed meeting.
11.2 The Central Executive Council/General Body may be requisitioned on demand by a minimum of 30% of the members.
11.3 The President of concerned body shall ordinarily preside over all GBM/CEC/CWC meetings. In the absence of President, the Vice-President will conduct the proceedings. In absence of both the President and Vice-President, the senior most office bearer will conduct the same.
11.4 Save as otherwise provided in this constitution, all questions/issues at any CEC/CWC meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of the members present other than the President CWC.
11.5 No Office-bearer / Member of the Association shall enter into agreement / MOU / any other document whatsoever, which is in contravention to the Constitution & Bye-laws of ASTO.
12.0 Removal / Supersession:
12.1 The Central Executive Council can supersede any unit in case that unit is found to be functioning in a manner which is detrimental to the overall interest of the Association, provided 75% of the total number of CEC members agree to do so. However, a detailed report should first be asked from the concerned unit and it is not found to be satisfactory by the CWC, then and only then, should such a resolution to supersede the concerned unit, be brought for approval of CEC. Such a report should be submitted to the President CWC within 3 weeks from the date of its communication by the concerned unit failing which President CWC in consultation with CWC can proceed suo-motto.
12.2 In case any of CEC members of the Association is found acting in a manner prejudicial or detrimental to the interest of the members in general, the General Secretary CWC will have the authority to issue a show-cause notice giving 3 weeks’ time for explanation. The CWC will have the authority to debar, expel or suspend the membership of such a CEC member, if satisfactory explanation is not submitted. Post facto approval shall be obtained in the next CEC meeting.
13.0 Subscription and Accounts:
13.1 The subscription per month for each member shall be prescribed amount as approved by CEC and the same shall become due on the first day of each month. Out of this, 67% shall be retained by the local unit and 33% to be transferred to the CWC account.
13.2 Each Local Unit and CWC shall be required to maintain a bank account with any nationalized bank. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be the signatories to the bank account and shall be operated by Treasurer jointly with the President or Secretary.
13.3 The membership fee shall be decided by the CEC. The decision on membership fee need to be ratified in the General Body Meeting of the members at units.
13.4 The authorized signatories shall be responsible for all the money collected and spent on behalf of the association.
13.5 Local units as well as CWC shall be required to maintain their accounts and get the same audited by an independent practicing firm of Chartered Accountants.
13.6 The Treasurer CWC shall submit the annual statement of account, dully audited, before CWC and CEC after compilation.
13.7 Treasurers of every unit shall submit their annual audited accounts to the Treasurer CWC. The Treasurer, CWC shall co-ordinate and liaise with Local Units and obtain a statement every year showing financial position of each and every Local Unit.
13.8 Outgoing bodies shall hand over their audited accounts till date and all financial documents to the incoming body within 60 days.
13.9 Donations are welcome.
14.0 Amendments and Additions:
14.1 The amendments / alteration or additions to the constitution of the Association can be made by the approval of the CEC and need to be ratified in the General Body Meeting with simple majority. The proposal must get approval from minimum 50% of the units in the local unit GBM.
14.2 The amendments shall take effect from the date of submission to Registrar’s Office.
14.3 Dissolution:
The Association shall be declared dissolved if 75% of the members resolve it so in General Body Meetings, called specially for the purpose, of all constituent units. In case of dissolution, the assets of the Association shall be disposed off as directed by the General Bodies of the constituent units.
15.0 Succession:
15.1 If, on account of any eventuality, the post of President of any Local Unit falls vacant, the Vice President will assume office of the President. Similarly in case of the post of Secretary falling vacant the Joint Secretary will assume the post of Secretary. This will be conveyed in writing to the President CWC, who will issue the formal orders for the same. The President CWC will obtain post facto ratification in CEC. Same methodology will be adopted for any other elected post falling vacant due to any eventuality.
15.2 In the eventuality of the post of President, Vice President, Secretary and Joint Secretary falling vacant simultaneously, in any Local Unit, the President CWC shall at his discretion, either issue orders for election or for co-option from unit level members and obtain ratification of CEC.
15.3 Co-option shall be done in such a manner that those who were not successful in the direct election shall not be eligible for such co-option with a view to respect the verdict of the electorate. Co-opted members shall have no voting rights what so ever.
15.4 Due to any reason, on movement of an office bearer of local Unit from the present place of posting to another place which does not constitute the electorate of the local unit from which an office bearer was elected, the post as well as membership of the CEC/CWC shall be deemed to have been vacated by that office bearer. This shall not apply to the movement of President / General Secretary CWC for their functioning at the Registered/ Corporate Office as per para 6.4.
16.0 Impeachment:
The CEC by two-thirds of a majority can impeach the President CWC on grounds of financial irregularity, proven misconduct or anti-ASTO activities.
17.0 Bye Laws:
17.1 Current rate of subscription for membership is Rs.25.00 per month.
17.2 The CEC shall be the sole authority for interpretation of the constitution and bye-laws.
17.3 The terms ”officers” and “executives” is meant in the constitution to include all officers of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited and ONGC group of companies who hold position equivalent to the Class I & II categories as defined by the Corporation.
17.4 The term “Association” wherever used in the constitution/ bye-laws means the Association of Scientific & Technical Officers (ASTO).
17.5 Any officer holding an office in Local Units/CWC cannot hold office in any parallel Association/Union formed anywhere in the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation or ONGC group of companies.
17.6 No members or group of members shall resort to litigation in any Civil Court of country against any member of ASTO or its office bearers unless and until he/she or they has first exhausted the grievance channel at Local Unit and CEC/CWC.
17.7 The Central Executive Council (CEC) shall lay down the guidelines for the code of conduct of the members of the Association and Office Bearers of CEC and CWC from time to time.
17.8 Patron:
17.8.1 In line with the ASTO’s aim‘ उत्तिष्ठ! जाग्रत! प्राप्य वरान्नि बोधत’, President CWC can co-opt up to three persons as Patron, who will be a non – member of the Association. Whenever required, these members shall be invited to attend the meeting of the CEC/CWC as “Special Invitee”, where their role will be that of a “Passive Observer”.
17.8.2 They will tender advice on matters raised to them, when called upon.
17.8.3 Patron shall be a person of eminence and repute having experience of working in society, field of education, Oil & Gas industry etc.